
Foundations For Our Future – the final Report from the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review

Date of Meeting:

14 October 2020

Report of:

CCG Managing Director

Contact Officer:


Giles Rossington


01273 295514



Ward(s) affected:









1.1       The Foundations For Our Future (Appendix 1) is the independently authored report from the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review which was jointly commissioned by Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), the three local authorities in Sussex and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT). The Review was independently chaired throughout its duration.



1.2       The review was presented to Brighton & Hove Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) in July 2020, where the review recommendations was agreed. The review was also reported to BHCC Children, Young People & Skills Committee (CYPS) in September 2020. CYPS will maintain oversight of the local implementation of the review recommendations.


1.3       The review is presented to HOSC for information and to inform HOSC work-streams relating to the emotional health & wellbeing of children and young people.



2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That members note the contents and recommendations of the ‘Foundations For Our Future’ review of Children & Young People Emotional Health & Wellbeing Services (see Appendix 1).





3.1    Across Sussex, NHS and local authority partners had increasingly become aware that the experience of children and young people, and their families and carers, who needed emotional and wellbeing support required improvement.


3.2   To better understand; the obstacles to access and to treatment; what needed to improve; and what worked well in the current system, the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review was jointly commissioned by Sussex CCGs, the three local authorities in Sussex and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SPFT). The Review focused on obtaining an in depth understanding of the emotional health and wellbeing services and support on offer to children and young people, aged 0 -18, and their families in Sussex. The Review was established in January 2019 and the final report – Foundations For Our Future will be the published document from the review, coming at a time of unprecedented focus on children and young people’s mental health both locally and nationally.


3.3   The partners to the Review, requested that it should result in ambitious recommendations for action.


3.4   The Review was conducted to provide an in-depth and up-to-date picture of the services and support available to children and young people and was a listening and analytical exercise aimed at gathering a wide scope of information and feedback, from quantitative data to qualitative insights. The Review was not a formal public consultation and the communications approach developed was designed to support and promote targeted and meaningful stakeholder engagement work, making every effort to be as inclusive and wide-reaching as possible within the timescales and available resources. The scope of the Review was wide, taking a broader view of the services and support available and offered an opportunity to step back and consider not only what is provided currently but also, what might be offered in future and how organisations across Sussex can improve that offer, through working collaboratively or by making changes to their own structures, systems or practices.


3.5    Oversight - A complete list of those local senior leaders providing oversight can be found in the full Report at Appendix 2. The Oversight Group (OSG) was chaired by Adam Doyle, Chief Executive Officer of the Clinical Commissioning Groups in Sussex and the Senior Responsible Officer for the Sussex Health and Care Partnership.


3.6    Review Panel - The OSG was supported by an independently chaired Review Panel (RP) and a review team. The RP included; clinical leaders (both local and regional), commissioners, experts by experience, engagement representatives, the voluntary sector, schools and colleges representatives, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) leaders, quality & safety leads and Public Health, all of whom possessed a depth of knowledge of children and young people’s experiences and perspectives, as well as issues relating to emotional health and wellbeing and children and young people’s mental health. Steve Appleton[1] was commissioned as the independent chair of the RP and is the author of the final report. The RP was accountable to local organisations through the OSG.


3.7    Terms of Reference - The Review process was governed by a Terms of Reference (ToR). The full details are providing in appendix 1 but in summary included engagement levels of service users, effectiveness of pathways, quality and timeliness of services, evidence of outcomes and a range of areas to inform future commissioning.



3.8    Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE) - The ToR were defined into a concise set of KLOE which enabled the RP to focus and consider a series of questions that informed the final report and its recommendations. The KLOE can be summarised under the following headings;


·                Access to services: how easy is it to get a service and what could we do better?

·                Capacity: how long do people wait to be seen, why is this and what can we do about it?

·                Safety of current services: how are children kept safe when accessing services?

·                Funding and commissioning: what are the available resources locally?

·                The experience of children, young people and their families: what knowledge do our communities have of services and do they think their experiences are being heard?

·                Effectiveness: do the current pathways deliver the care and support we need?

·                Relationships and partnership: how well do services work together?


3.9    Over the duration of the Review, more than 40 engagement events were attended and just under 1500 individual voices were heard through online surveys, open space events, visits to services and focus groups. Over 700 people responded to the five online surveys alone, with one in four Sussex GPs responding to their specific survey. This feedback contributed to the findings of the Report and the themes and recommendations that inform implementation.


3.10   The Oversight Group developed a Concordat Agreement as the partnership framework to act upon the recommendations and to implement change across the health and social care system.


3.11    The review has been reported to and its recommendations accepted by Sussex CCGs, Sussex Partnership Trust and Sussex HWBs.





4.1         Not relevant to this report for information.






5.1         The review includes information on community engagement.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         HOSC members are asked to note this review. Members may wish to draw on this review when developing a HOSC work plan, although CYPS will be the main council committee monitoring the local implementation of the review recommendations.





Financial Implications:


7.1         Not relevant to this report for information.



            Finance Officer Consulted:     Name                                             Date: dd/mm/yy


Legal Implications:


7.2         Not relevant to this report for information.



            Lawyer Consulted:                   Name                                             Date: dd/mm/yy



            Equalities Implications:


7.3         This is addressed in the body of the review (Appendix 1)


            Sustainability Implications:


7.4         This is addressed in the body of the review (Appendix 1)



Brexit Implications:


7.5         None identified at this stage.


Any Other Significant Implications:


None identified










1.         The Foundations For Our Future Review





Background Documents
















